22nd July: A social life

Yesterday we went into Newport to sort out a few financial things. I have made an appointment to see our solicitor on Friday. It feels strange to be doing this in preparation for death, when deep down I still feel marginally immortal. Slightly less so perhaps than before, but nonetheless…..Rachel Jon and the children have their tickets booked for the last week in August. Wonderful news.
I have had so many lovely words from people, even some I have never met, who read the blog and find it inspirational. Perhaps while I am still inspirational my job here isn’t quite done. I’d better carry on inspiring, just in case.
Gwen and her daughter are coming to visit for the day on Thursday. We plan a barbeque in the garden; the forecast is excellent. Caroline and Jim are arriving next week with their grandson Sam. I think he will enjoy himself down on the beach. Gerald and Teresa are coming over on the 8th and our friend Judy from France is due on the 11th August. Not sure my social diary has ever been this full.

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