July 29th: visitors

Pat and David (Chris' sister and husband) came to stay for a couple of days. Though I didn't feel one hundred percent the whole time I did enjoy myself walking, talking and sharing nostalgic moments, words of old songs and generally laughing a lot. I am doing a lot of laughing.
I tried the 'asparagus' cure that Gerald emailed me, but now I am so sick of asparagus I just gave up on it and enjoyed a glass of wine instead. As my Grandpa always said: "a little of what you fancy does you good."

This morning I received yet another email from a work colleague. I found it quite touching. She writes:

Hi Lin
It was lovely to see you at our end of term do and to see you last Wednesday at School.

I have to admit that I didn't want to say anything to you when everyone went over to the staffroom - I would have just ended up blabbering and that wouldn't have done anyone any good!

I want to remember you in your office leaning back in your chair - laughing at me -or offering advice - over making me a cup of tea whilst I was crying my eyes out - an answer to everything!! A refuge! And that is the picture I have at the moment.

I washed some tea-towels today - I took them in from the line and thought 'she's right - life is too short to iron tea towels!'
I folded them up and put them in the drawer - no one will notice! I am never going to iron them again!!

Difficult to end this e-mail - you have had an enormous impact on a lot of people. You won't be forgotten.

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