August 27th; our goodbyes

This morning the girls are once again angelic. The talk I gave them last night about today’s early start has obviously sunk in. Levana is totally cooperative, whispering eagerly as she dresses so as to allow Ziva another few minutes asleep. As I gently remove Ziva’s pyjamas she wakes, rubs her sleepy eyes and immediately climbs on the big bed so I can reach her to finish the dressing process. She then wants some breakfast and is keen for me to feed her some Grape Nuts with milk. She eats all of it, listening intently to me as I sing her a song about how much I will miss her. We are all comfortably ready at 6am to drive over to the ferry terminal. Dan takes Jon and the two girls with their booster seats, I take Rachel with Batsheva in the baby seat. The goodbyes are not easy. I have to kiss and cuddle them before they go into the terminal. I can’t cope with a long drawn out farewell. It is too painful.

Daniel comes back for lunch before setting off for Dewsbury. The house feels once again strangely quiet without the chirping excited children’s voices. No more ‘calrin’ at the table, penny whistle or dancing.

I sit down in the chair. I am wiped out, but it has all been worth it.

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